Thursday, November 29, 2007

Crazy Culture

Our society is so obsessed with weight... dress sizes... dieting... the runway models with their size zero bodies... etc, etc, etc. The list goes on and on! There is so much pressure on women to fit into a certain mold, which brings us to say: why should society tell us what size jeans we're supposed to squeeze into? As long as you are healthy, well, who cares what the scale says? One of the things we hear most often is: "I want to wait to book my shoot until I've lost 5 (or 10 or 15 or 20...) pounds." We know that this is a huge concern, but we also want to stress the fact that you are BEAUTIFUL! Right now! Just as you are.

With that said, we wanted to share a quote that we recently received from one of our clients. We LOVE what she said!

"I am doing these photos in honor of my 35th birthday and I wish I'd had the confidence to do them back when I was hot in my twenties and before I had a kid. But I feel like I need to do them now - sooner rather than later. I keep thinking-'when I lose 20 more lbs' or whatever, but I am trying to work on learning to love my body more for what it does than what it looks like in comparison to some societal ideal. I'm working on learning to appreciate my body for what it is and finding the beauty in it." -Nicole

Thanks, Nicole! We completely agree with what you said! It was great meeting you- and your photos are absolutely gorgeous! Hope you enjoyed your Woman Captured experience! :) -Kimee


Anonymous said...

What an awesome and inspirational quote! I love that you gals are helping women love and appreciate their bodies. I too have been struggling with loving my body for what it is. Reading your blog has really helped me to remember that it is not about looks, but loving who you are. BRAVO!!

I have just been following your blog recently and a past posing mentioned a book that we being written. Do you have any more information about this book? When it will be available, and where it can be purchased? I am a photographer in training (if you will) and am very interested in learning ALL types of photography. Please post any more information about the book when you get it.

Woman Captured said...

Hi dbhr! Thanks so much for the comment! We love hearing feedback about our blog and our work. :) Yes, we're working on a book! The expected launch date is Dec. 29th, but you can pre-order it starting tomorrow (we're launching our new "for photographers only" website tomorrow!) Send us an email to:, and we'll make sure we send you the link and more info tomorrow. Thanks! -the Woman Captured team