Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Our Mission...

Our sincere prayer and mission:
Our God grants us beauty and love everyday. He empowers us with His divine spirit.He gives us power and wisdom to create a life that will benefit those around us and
those he asks us to help and give to abundantly.
He gives us the resources and creativity to create a classy and romantic piece of art that ignites confidence and excitement in a bride or wife and re-enforces
beauty in a woman and romance in a couple.
With praise and deep gratitude we thank God everyday for the blessings He gives to us. We have nothing to fear because Christ Jesus sustains us.


Lacy said...

Oh my gosh...you ladies are INSPIRING! I love that this is your mission. I totally agree with it.

Christ has created so much beauty in us, and I love that you are showcasing it in a tasteful, beautiful, classy way. The curves and allure of a woman is handcrafted by God and is nothing but art.

Props to you! I'm totally going to be coming back to your site often. ;)


Woman Captured said...

Thanks, Lacy! We're excited for you and your new blog, too! Thank you for the kind words!